Sunday, July 3, 2011

Getty Center, LA

I love Getty Center. It is one of the places I recommend you all, my readers, to visit once. Its address can be found here:
The admission is free, but you have to pay for parking, which is typically $15 per car for a whole day (so cheap!). Once you get out of your car, all services, excluding food & drink are free. These are things you can experience from Getty Center:

Tram Service
A tram will lead you to the museum from the parking lot
Once you get off the tram, there will be a person waiting for you and people in the arrived tram to tell the story about Getty Center. It's pretty interesting and informative. I will not spoil here, so you have to go there and get it yourself :)

Outdoor Art
You will find many pieces of art outside the buildings. They sometimes are placed in unexpected places.

There are a lot of well-designed buildings for you to enjoy by just looking at them.

I know that there are many garden sections, but some were under construction on the day I visited. Still, there are many plants I can enjoy my day.

Other Arts
Inside many buildings, you can find art galleries shown in different categories. However, please make sure that you are allowed to photograph as some sections aren't allowed to do so.

A book in Middle Ages
I have enjoyed my time at Getty Center a lot. There are many things that you need to spend your time slowly observing pieces of art in this place to be fully appreciated. I recommend you all to at least once visit Getty Center taking time slowly to enjoy your moment.

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